Thursday, February 12

Battle of the Brains

Interestingly today, February 12th, 2009, is the 200th birthday of both Honest Abe Lincoln and every creationist's favorite EVIL-ution devil, Charles Darwin. Born on the same day half a world apart (Lincoln, of course, in Kentucky and Darwin in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England), both of these famously bearded intellectuals upset the applecart and are still reviled as well as loved by many. So here is the question: Who is the best?" Which of these men is more deserving of everlasting glory? Whether you judge by their actions, continuing legacy or simply by the beard, top hat or sailing vessel, let me know what you think. Feel free to leave a comment or vote to the right.

Who da Man?


Kevin said...

My vote is for Lincoln. Darwin's ideas would have been conceived and developed and furthered by someone else. Some of his contemporaries were already on the same track. But without Lincoln, the entire course of world history would likely have changed tremendously.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if we knew who had the most people at his birthday parties today would indicate who is Da Man.

Brian said...

I would have to say Darwin had more people...he is more "global" than Lincoln. But who knows...

Brian said...
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