Thursday, December 16

A Coke By Any Other Name?

It seems the American knack for speech laziness is rubbing off on the Germans. I was shopping in Meijer last night picking up a few things for the week (and NOT because of the storm) and remembered I wanted to pick up some soda. I stopped and looked back and forth, looking at the hanging signs above each aisle. I saw sports drinks, beer, tea and coffee, but no soda, pop, soda pop, soft drinks, carbonated beverages or anything of the like. Then I saw it....Coke. The aisle containing ALL sodas was labeled "COKE. "

I understand this happens . People often call generic items a brand name (Kleenex, Aspirin, Xerox etc.), but to see it used as store signage I think is bizarre.

Please discuss.

Friday, December 10

Valking in a Vinter Vonderland

Here is a picture of our house from the outside. A little bit of snow adds to the mood. We have lights around the railing of our back deck as well, but some punk cut one of the strands. I'll try to post some pictures of the inside decorations soon.