Thursday, February 19

Atheist Discrimination - Pt. 1

According to many polls, atheists are the most mistrusted and reviled group in America. That is saying something from a country with a historical reputation for "oopsies." However, much of this hatred goes unnoticed, so I have decided to post any videos I can find showcasing blatant hatred and discrimination of atheists in the media. Anti-atheist videos from random people on youtube are a dime a dozen, but I will focus on media outlets and their "expert" panels. The first is from CNN's show with Paula Zahn. Please pay attention to the titles of each panel member and keep that in mind as you listen to the comments they make. Hopefully after watching some of these examples, many of you will realize why I am so passionate about my stance regarding my personal atheism.


Kevin said...

Wow. That's a great idea, though. We should start marketing atheist greeting cards.
I was also quite surprised to learn I believe in nothing. I apparently just sit and drool, waking every few hours to spew anti-Christian venom.

Brian said...

too late...Atheist greeting cards have been around for years.

Bad Bob said...

FAITH! You can't argue against it. That's why it's FAITH! If there were facts to prove it, you wouldn't have to have FAITH!

Brian said...

It's the facts they ignore that scare me.