Wednesday, December 16

Ho Ho Holy Hell He's an Atheist!

The article linked below is about a man in North Carolina who was elected to the city council. But, because he is an atheist, according to the North Carolina constitution, he is not eligible to serve. The U.S. Constitution, obviously, trumps this. It will be interesting to see how many lawsuits are filed just to give him grief (to be fair, the guy may be a complete idiot, but he did win the election).

I've copied and pasted some of my favorite reader's comments know...the ones that give me that warm fuzzy feeling.

"It is difficult for a person without faith and accountance to have
character and be accountable for their actions."

"I am curious what moral beliefs an atheist has and what guides their belief. Since the ten commandments are irrelevant in their beliefs...Are atheists able to be selective in choosing the ones that apply to them and the situation?"

"When he is in the hell he denies and desires to call and check on the city he once served, it will be a local call." -basically saying Ashville will become hell if they start electing atheists to office.

"On his/her deathbed, no one is an atheist. We want to live like the devil, but be saved from death like an angel. It's okay. God knows how you feel. He was once in human form, and knows exactly how you feel."


Kevin said...

1st- you know you got sick because God was punishing you for atheism, right?
2nd- 'there are no atheists in foxholes because atheists don't start wars' would be a good long bumpersticker
3rd- Leonard's mom was funny.
4th (added late)- I resent having to type "anidiot" as my word verfication for this comment.
But after rereading my comment I guess it is apropos.

Brian said...

His mom was funny