Tuesday, December 15

That Was a Rough 12 Hours

Around 3 o'clock Monday afternoon while at my desk I started feeling sore and tired. By 3:30 I had broken into cold sweats. I knew then I should probably head home. By 4:15 I was in bed with a comforter and a quilt, my body pillow and two regular pillows with the heat cranked up in my apartment. I was drenched in sweat but couldn't get warm. I was miserable. My leg and back muscles had a strange tingling sensation and felt like rubber. I slept until 9pm and felt I needed to get up. I was feeling extremely nauseous and wanted to sit up for a bit. Walking into the living room was a chore and I collapsed on the couch out of breath. My plan was to sit up and watch "Big Bang Theory," try to eat a little, drink some juice and then go back to bed. A few minutes after being in the living room, I knew my reputation for hardly ever getting "sick" was in jeopardy. I went to the bathroom for a good half-hour and sat on the edge of the tub. To make a long story short, I need to start a new streak. I went back into the living room and watched my show (I love having a DVR), ate a bowl of chicken noodle soup and drank a small glass of juice. I went back to bed around 10:30 and slept soundly until 3am. I noticed then I was still very tired, but felt better. When I woke up for good at 6:30, I felt great.

All I can figure is it was an intense 12 hour bug or food poisoning. Very strange.


Mary Lynn's Blog said...

Sure glad you're better.

Mark said...

Did you maybe eat some tinsel from someone's tree? Glad you are better!