While driving to work this morning, I listened to 790WKRD. The discussion was about the St. X/Trinity game and the hosts had Billy Reed on as a guest. I know Billy Reed has been reporting sports in Kentucky for a long time, but I never paid much attention to him. All I really remember is the "I Beat Billy" t-shirts Dad and Kevin had when I was little.
I came to the conclusion (after listening to him for only a few minutes...maybe it's not fair) that he is an idiot.
He stated he didn't understand the rivalry between St. X and Trinity. His argument was they are so much alike, if the names were removed no one would be able to tell the difference. He went on to say he can understand a West Coast team being a rival with a East Coast team. He also stated rivals should be two different types of teams that "don't like the way the other team does things."
Billy...let me introduce you to the definition of the word rival (I highlighted the definitions that apply to this conversation):
1. One who attempts to equal or surpass another, or who pursues the same object as another; a competitor.
2. One that equals or almost equals another in a particular respect.
3. Obsolete A companion or an associate in a particular duty.
1. To attempt to equal or surpass.
2. To be the equal of; match.
To be a competitor or rival; compete.
[Latin rvlis, one using the same stream as another, a rival, from rvus, stream; see rei- in Indo-European roots.]
Synonyms: rival, compete, vie.
rival [ˈraɪvəl]
a. a person, organization, team, etc., that competes with another for the same object or in the same field
b. (as modifier) rival suitors a rival company
2. a person or thing that is considered the equal of another.
vb -vals, -valling, -valled US, -vals -valing, -valed (tr)
1. to be the equal or near equal of an empire that rivalled Rome
2. to try to equal or surpass; compete with in rivalry
[from Latin rīvalis, literally: one who shares the same brook, from rīvus a brook]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
1 comment:
I agree...Billy Reed is an idiot. Not just for that statement, but because I've listened to him and read his CJ articles over the years and that's been my opinion all along.
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