Thursday, January 22

Thou Shalt Be Stupid, Apparently.

I noticed a headline on today concerning the "re-do" of the swearing in carried out by President Obama and Chief Justice Roberts. It stated:


Naturally, I couldn't resist and clicked on the link. The article, linked from the Washington Post, is actually titled:

Obviously, the article was not about Obama not using The Bible. It was just a sentence picked out to enrage the right-wing, ACME rocket buying Loony Tune religious zealots looking for any excuse to show their ignorance. After completing the article, I read the reader's comments. That's when, once again, I became depressed these people are of the same species as me. Some examples:

"No Bible?..well it doesn't matter to DONKEY BOY..he
doesn't believe in it anyway."

"Hmmm....No Bible used is quite extraordinary!! Has
'Mr. Change' suddenly become a 'NON BELIEVER' or was there a "Secret koran" being used, or in the vicinity??All 'OATHS / AFFIRMATIONS' are generally sworn with the hand on a Bible, (or some Religious symbol)....Especially the "Presidential Oath"!! What message is being sent here?? I'm very surprised that the Chief Justice allowed this to occur!!

"In the end, this is what President Obama wanted
anyway....going to be a long 4 years"

"Very sad that the idiot couldn't get it right the
first time (Did they use a fireproof bible then?)Doesn't {sic)make me wonder how he'll do on anything else.If they had used a bible it would have probably burst into flame."

"I truly believe this was intentionly[sic] done by Obama to
mess up so that he could do it without the Bible, simply because he IS a muslim. But that is something we will never know that is if he did it intentionly [sic])but I do know one day that we WILL find out that he is a muslim!"

"While there is definitely no "official" religious
test for office, God help us if we ever elect someone who doesn't believe in the Bible."

"NO BIBLE tells it all..."

"President needs to take oath again, The Bible is
equally, if not more important than words of oath. We are a christian nation, all though radicals and liberals are trying to change that."

Enough said.


Brian said...

not really sure what happened to my font in this post. It got messed up and I couldn't fix it. Sorry.

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

Don't any of these nut cases realize it was Roberts who messed up? And Obama was waiting for him to say the words correctly? Good article, Brian.