Here is my Mom & Pop's neck of the woods. I never really thought about the change in elevation surrounding my parents house until now. I just saw the backyard as a great sledding hill and the street provided hours of vehicular entertainment during snow and ice storms. Now, I get to see a map of "what gives?" Our street sits atop Sellersburg and Jeffersonville Limestones(Middle Devonian - Upper Devonian), but just to the south, overlooking Tyler Park, you see Louisville Limestone(Middle Silurian). This would be the steep cut we see in the alley behind the house (when I think of all the times I slid down that hill, I never realized I was falling back in time!!!). Once you get to Castlewood, you have entered Lacustrine deposits from the Wisconsinan-Quaternary period. Knowing this, I can now picture a huge lake engulfing Tyler Park and across the lake you could yell to people who live up on Summit Avenue. I never realized my parents owned lake front property.
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