Wednesday, April 30

A Rain Delay, 17 Innings & A Cold

Thankfully our home stand is over and I now have 4 days off to recover. Not only was our 5 game stretch at home cold, it was also longer than any other 5 game stretch I've ever worked. Saturdays game went 13 innings...which we lost. Sundays game was longer than normal, but we also has a booster club luncheon afterward. Monday's game was the killer. We new rain was coming, we just didn't know how much. The rain delayed the start of the game by only 40 minutes. After the rain, however, the temperature dropped into the low 40's with 20-30 mph winds. We then proceeded to play 17 innings of baseball until our first baseman was forced to pitch and gave up 2 runs breaking a 2-2 tie. I got home a little before 2 am. I woke up Tuesday morning feeling like I swallowed a pin cushion, dizzy and worn out (to many people that would have meant a good night). I suffered through our 11:05 am Education Day game today knowing I could go home and rest soon after. I now have 4 days to rest and hopefully feel better before Derby Day.

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