We won our first two games of the playoffs to reach the championship game, but that's where the dream season ended. I won't give a lot of details because I'm tired and I want to go to bed, so here is the gist.
In game one we were down three runs in the bottom of the 7th. I led off the inning with a base hit to left center. I made it over to third and with bases loaded, Scott it a walk off grand slam.
In game two we played even for awhile, but eventually we pulled a way for a solid win.
The championship game opened up with the longest inning we've had in a long time. The team we played scored 16 runs in the top of the 1st inning. Back to back home runs (and nearly a third) combined with errors put us in a huge hole. We scored 1 in the bottom of the 1st. We lost 23-5 to a team we did beat this year. Bottom line is they had the ball really well and we didn't.
I feel like I played really well offensively and defensively this year. I'm looking forward to the next softball season, whenever that may be.
Ok, I'm exhausted. Good night.