Wednesday, February 20

Too Much of a Good Thing

I realized the other morning Beth & I have been watching too many episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We are currently in season 5 of the DVD collection (season 4 is a bootleg from Singapore...but that is another story). Anyway, I dreamed the other night numerous family members & myself were at mom & dad's house during the evening. The house was "pre-finished basement" and the coal bin was still there. However, the coal bin was was reinforced with metal locks and steel walls. Apparently the reason for this upgrade was because Oz (Seth Green), the werewolf from Buffy, was using it to lock himself in during full moons. I remember walking around the outside of the house and hearing the bangs coming from the basement hoping he would not get out. I am sure there is more detail to the dream, but I have forgotten most of it. I hope it is not a premonition. But if I actually believed that, I definitely need to take a break.

1 comment:

Mark said...

My lead-lined crawspace is infested with racetrack were-rocks. They only come out during lunar eclipses, so this week was rough, but they won't bother us again until December of 2010. I'm training Erin and Jill to be slayerettes. You know how to stop a racetrack were-rock? Wave a checkered flag at it.