Wednesday, October 28

"So Long and Thanks for All the Fish"

I have spent the last week at Slugger trying to get my renewals out and tie up any loose ends before my last day next week. Going through files and trying to get a little better organized so it's easier on my former intern when he comes in. I believe my office is holding a farewell/congratulations party for me Monday at Fox & the Hound. Should be fun.
I start at the Jewish Community Center Wednesday. I'm sure I will be nervous (I already am), but I can't wait to get in there and start my new career. There will be a lot to learn and names to remember. I've already started reading about pool maintenance online.

I should have a fun weekend ahead before I get back to the grind next week. Softball tournament starts Thursday night (my first post season pitching debut), Waverly Hills w/Julie on Friday, Halloween party at her friends on Saturday and possibly headed to the UK open practice on Sunday.

1 comment:

Mary Lynn's Blog said...

And we'll be looking for a time to get the family together for a congratulations dinner. I'll get on that soon - need to talk to you to see when you're available and where you want to go, then find a date when everyone's available. How could JCC not be impressed with "Buckle B."