I'm sure you are probably tired of my diatribe concerning religious issues, but I need to write about what interests/infuriates me. I read an article in the C-J this morning saying the House had approved the "In God We Trust" license plates, as standard issue, by a vote of 93-1 (Mary Lou Marzian was the only one to vote against). This now moves on to the senate.
I understand I don't have to get this plate. It wouldn't bother me (as much) if the plates were sold like other specialty plates. What does bother me is that a standard issue government license endorses a religious belief (I almost wish they would try to give me one so I could raise a stink. That would be fun!). I understand some people will purchase the plate early instead of waiting for the current license to expire, but I don't see this offsetting the cost of producing the license.
Question: Because the "In God We Trust" motto has been placed on our currency, should the government offer alternative money without the motto (assuming we can't get rid of the current currency motto all together)? I'd be curious to find out what everyone thinks about this idea. What are the problems or benefits (socially, economically, etc.) it would render? Please discuss.
Apparently this Sunday is the Super Bowl. I am once again looking forward to ignoring it and not being able to participate in "what was your favorite commercial" discussions. I love college football, college basketball, Major League Baseball, golf and various other sporting events, but the NFL bores me to tears. The best thing about the Super Bowl is that it means the season is over (although we will still have to endure "NFL Tonight" on ESPN all the way through the summer.
I've thought about the "In God We Trust" on coins quite a bit in the past and, though I think it would be better if it weren't there, it seems like just a little bit too small of an issue to make a fuss over. I think of it frequently, though. Where should we draw the line?
I, like you, have basement-level interest in the Superbowl commercials. I do have an urge to watch a little so that I can pick out a very lame, unfunny (maybe dramatically serious) commercial to single out the next day in conversation as being a laugh-riot. A commercial for a local used car lot would work, too.
So you ccan look forward to the Tim Tebow right to life commercial scheduled for the Super Bowl. Should be fuuuuunny!
I agree with the money...it isn't really a big deal...just the principle of it.
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