Several days have passed since I had this dream, but this is the gist. I was in a church awaiting the mass to start. Several people were still filing in through the doors when I noticed I had a couple of minutes before it started. I sprang from my pew and ran to the back of the church where a book store was getting ready to close. I ran from isle to isle looking for a good book to read during the mass, but all I could find were greeting cards, party decorations, calendars and various other peripheral items one finds in a chain book store.
This is all I remember, but I think it may have to do with Julie mentioning having to spend some time in a Christian bookstore the day before while her friend shopped for sheet music.
(By the way, I'm not happy Blogger did away with the spell checker. If I am missing it, please tell me where I can find it in this new updated version. Guess I'll have to check the old fashioned way).
Wednesday, February 24
Thursday, February 18
Google Yourself
I "Googled" my first, middle and last name separately to see what the first entry would be for each one. "Brian" and "Joseph" (of Yosef) were Wikipedia entries, not surprisingly. "Tabler" was a website for the Tabler Company based in Louisville. Not real interesting, I know.
Wednesday, February 10
Ohio River
I was thinking today about the Ohio River come March and April. With the enormous amount of snow states to our northeast are getting, the snow we have been receiving and the amount of rain we usually get in March, this could be interesting. Is it time to break out my Indiana poem again?
From Us Hoosiers Keep!
The great Iroquoian river erodes
carving Ken-tah-ten
dividing this land of tomorrow
from land of native men.
North of the muddy ribbon
parasitic towns emerged
oh' only if tomorrow
had purged this festering scourge
And now the lights of winter cast
bleak shadows on our face
as we gaze o'er the river
and ponder wasted space
Glaciers past devoured, scoured
a once proud pristine land
but now our hope rides in rain drenched skies
to use what is close at hand
Oh river, oh river swell thee wide
depths deadly deep
quicken your current, reclaim your road
and from us Hoosiers keep.("Ken-tah-ten" is Iroquoian, translated as Land of Tomorrow)
Tuesday, February 9
I went to bed last night at 10:30 and had my alarm set for 12:30 so I could get up to see if the snow had started. When my alarm went off, I looked out my window and saw the snow falling fast with the parking lot and cars covered. I reset my alarm for 3am so I could get up and make a decision on the opening of the center, which is normally scheduled for 5:30am. JCPS and the catholic schools had not made a decision (which is what I go off of concerning our day cares). I drove into work about 4 and salted out steps as the maintenance guys plowed the parking lot. I checked online at 4:30 and saw they had closed the schools. I made the decision to cancel the day cares and open the center at 11am.
So now I am sitting in my office at 7:13 wondering if we will be able to open at 11am. Our facility will be fine, it's just the roads around town and how much more snow we will get that concerns me. But I think we will be fine.
I am tired and hoping to get out of here a little after Noon.
Snow days aren't as fun as they used to be.
So now I am sitting in my office at 7:13 wondering if we will be able to open at 11am. Our facility will be fine, it's just the roads around town and how much more snow we will get that concerns me. But I think we will be fine.
I am tired and hoping to get out of here a little after Noon.
Snow days aren't as fun as they used to be.
Thursday, February 4
Meteorite Custody Battle
Here is a story out of Virginia concerning the proper owner of a meteorite.
Spin Class/Exercise
I joined in on the hour long spin class at the LAC last night. Once again, it was very tough, but seemed to go by faster than last time. I'm a little sore and tired today, but feel pretty good overall. I think I might take a power nap when I get home today...they usually help quite a bit.
I am trying to ease myself into a work out routine. I ran about two miles on Tuesday night along with doing push ups whenever I get the chance. My goal is to stay after work a few nights a week and take advantage of my membership at the community center. My goal is to see a noticeable difference, in both body and energy level, by the time I go on vacation (to California, it appears) in July. I seem to always be fatigued and sleepy. I know winter has something to do with it, but I also know it's due to my lack of exercise.
Lack of sleep is another reason for the way I feel. I am a "night owl" and force myself to stay up, even when I'm sleepy. I think if I get into my bed at a set time each night to read, instead of reading on the couch, I will be more likely to turn the light off earlier and go to sleep. I'll try this for a week or so and see if it helps.
On a totally unrelated note, "Zombieland" is now out on DVD. So Mark and Kevin, we need to find another movie night soon!
I am trying to ease myself into a work out routine. I ran about two miles on Tuesday night along with doing push ups whenever I get the chance. My goal is to stay after work a few nights a week and take advantage of my membership at the community center. My goal is to see a noticeable difference, in both body and energy level, by the time I go on vacation (to California, it appears) in July. I seem to always be fatigued and sleepy. I know winter has something to do with it, but I also know it's due to my lack of exercise.
Lack of sleep is another reason for the way I feel. I am a "night owl" and force myself to stay up, even when I'm sleepy. I think if I get into my bed at a set time each night to read, instead of reading on the couch, I will be more likely to turn the light off earlier and go to sleep. I'll try this for a week or so and see if it helps.
On a totally unrelated note, "Zombieland" is now out on DVD. So Mark and Kevin, we need to find another movie night soon!
Wednesday, February 3
Tuesday, February 2
Which is Funnier?
Which of these videos is funnier?
Mr. Peanutbutter Boy
Or Mike Seaver and his buddy Ray "Boner" Comfort
I don't know whether to laugh or cry after watching these.
Mr. Peanutbutter Boy
Or Mike Seaver and his buddy Ray "Boner" Comfort
I don't know whether to laugh or cry after watching these.
Technical Difficulties/License Plates/Super Bowl

I'm sure you are probably tired of my diatribe concerning religious issues, but I need to write about what interests/infuriates me. I read an article in the C-J this morning saying the House had approved the "In God We Trust" license plates, as standard issue, by a vote of 93-1 (Mary Lou Marzian was the only one to vote against). This now moves on to the senate.
I understand I don't have to get this plate. It wouldn't bother me (as much) if the plates were sold like other specialty plates. What does bother me is that a standard issue government license endorses a religious belief (I almost wish they would try to give me one so I could raise a stink. That would be fun!). I understand some people will purchase the plate early instead of waiting for the current license to expire, but I don't see this offsetting the cost of producing the license.
Question: Because the "In God We Trust" motto has been placed on our currency, should the government offer alternative money without the motto (assuming we can't get rid of the current currency motto all together)? I'd be curious to find out what everyone thinks about this idea. What are the problems or benefits (socially, economically, etc.) it would render? Please discuss.
Apparently this Sunday is the Super Bowl. I am once again looking forward to ignoring it and not being able to participate in "what was your favorite commercial" discussions. I love college football, college basketball, Major League Baseball, golf and various other sporting events, but the NFL bores me to tears. The best thing about the Super Bowl is that it means the season is over (although we will still have to endure "NFL Tonight" on ESPN all the way through the summer.
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