Was there ever a
"Twilight Zone" episode where everyone, except the unsuspecting businessman in the fedora, seemed to regress, or
de-evolve (devolve?) and before he knew it neanderthals were roaming the streets devouring stray dogs, looting butcher shops & doing
Geico commercials? I feel like that guy(minus the snazzy fedora). Recently several states have started looking to pass "academic freedom" legislation that would encourage, or force, teachers in public schools to raise doubts about Darwin's theories & evolutionary biology as it pertains to human origins. Never mind there is no credible scientific evidence to the contrary(I am well aware Darwinian evolution is pretty much gone the way of the Dodo. Darwin wouldn't recognize modern evolutionary biology. He was simply the "father" of the theory of natural selection. Evolutionary Biology grew from this foundation, however most creationists miss this point). Will we start teaching alternative geographical "theories"? You never know...the whole damn earth just may be flat! How about alternative
Mathematical theories? "2 + 2 = 4 is all well and good, but I feel I would be slapping God in the face if I didn't say it equals 7."
Most recent surveys across the United States show the majority of people don't believe in evolution (which tells me they do not understand it) and a god created us very much the way we are now. This includes people who are not really that religious. Is this the education system letting us down or the unfortunate, disgusting & powerful influence of theistic willful ignorance taught in the home? My guess is the latter. Whatever the problem, it scares the hell out of me. I think I'll go back to my cave before the dark swallows me, wonder where the sun went and throw feces at the wall until I feel better.
1 comment:
I've always wished someone would do some kind of survey, or poll all the entrants of the livestock and vegetable contests at the state fair, and see how many of those people selectively bred their giant, hearty, disease-resistant cucumbers, pumpkins, and pigs but still don't believe in evolution. I bet it's at least 80%.
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