I remember Mark reading this book not too long ago and decided to pick it up at Half-Price Books while selling a few stinkers. I figured it would be a short, quick read while I decided what I really wanted to read next. I can't say it's the best book I ever read...not even top 20. However, it is a unique and interesting book. Assuming the point of view created by Mark Haddon (the author) is correct, it gives an interesting perspective from the viewpoint of an autistic person. The funny thing is, I found myself identifying with Christopher (the main character). Sometimes all a person wants is white noise and be left to their fancies.
Thanks, Brian!
I loved listening to the Bodeans while I surfed around a little bit.
I was really rocking and rolling-then I realized it was an earthquake.
I watched Chatting with Charley. After about 30 seconds I was very angry and wanted to turn it off, but I was mesmerized. I kept watching more and more and getting madder and madder, until I finally just wanted to go to your home and kick you in the shin for subjecting me to him. By the way, your guess about the racist Jebus freak was fairly accurate. We've nicknamed her Uncle Leo in honor of her drawn-on eyebrows.
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