Having driven Hwy 245 between I-65 & Bardstown on numerous occasions, I have become interested in the noticeable change between Limestone and Shale in the road cuts as you enter into Nelson Co. I have decided to compare the local underlying geology of the places our families live. This is a map of Tom & Peggy's neighborhood just outside of Bardstown. Their respective neighborhood lies atop New Albany Shale and Beechwood Limestone (member of Sellersburg Limestone). This was deposited between the Middle Devonian & Upper Devonian slot on the Geologic Time Scale. The surrounding area in purple is Laurel Dolomite located in the Middle Silurian time frame. The hills to the west, plainly seen from their home is the Borden Formation(Lower Mississippian) which is more erosion resistant Limestone and part of the same series of formations of Muldraugh Hill near Ft. Knox.
More to come...

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