At the expense of my sister-in-law's leg, Brother Kevin brought back from Hawaii a
nice piece of scoria. Besides my bottle of ash from Mt. St Helens, this is the only volcanic sample I have. (I have granite, too...but that is plutonic so it doesn't apply). I plan on posting pictures of many samples from my growing, yet limited collection. I really, really, really would like to go meteor hunting sometime, too. I am fairly confident about the identity of most of the rocks I will post, but I am always open and hopeful for eyes and minds better than mine to prove me wrong. Anyway, I appreciate my brother picking this up for me as well as Lena taking the brunt of a pissed off Hawaiian diety.
I would absolutely love to find a meteorite. I'm not exactly sure how to hunt for them. In a vaguely related way, for a long time now I have wanted to hunt for arrowheads. If you go a-huntin' for stuff, take me with you, please!
We need to rent a medal detector, get a shovel and find a large open field. Also, I have a piece of chert I will post tonight. It looks like it has been widdled-on, like the beginnings of an arrowhead.
I have been wanting to own a metal detector for a while now. I suppose the same kind that is good for looking for old coins near old houses is good for looking for even older bits of iron that fell from the sky.
I was thinking yesterday, though, that owning a metal detector would be horrible for me. I could probably spend all day in a field walking around looking at the ground, and come back empty handed, and still have a blast. I already have very similar useless activities, such as landscape painting and fishing.
I'd love to see you suspected arrowhead, even if someone has widdled on it. Yuck.
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