I spent much of the early morning watching and reading coverage of the meteorite in Russia that caused wide spread damage and around 1,000 injuries. When I first saw this story breaking this morning, the nerd in me was very excited and I immediately began looking for videos of the event. In doing so, I found several incredible videos. I also wanted to see peoples reactions to the event and hopefully see some interesting conversations. I made the mistake of looking at reader comment sections on popular news sites and found the exact opposite of what I was looking for. Some comments I agreed with, but here are some comments from people in need of a good slapping:
Wouldn't it have come from above rather than the side?? Just saying...... Looks staged to me!
There appears to be a lot more to this story, as usual a lot of speculation, maybe the truth will be told, maybe not!
I'm not totally buying this story. A meteorite is random yet there just happen to be a camera on a pod shooting a empty scene in the exact location. Also, there were reports of the Russian air force intercepting the meteorite? Really? How many thousands of feet per second does a meteorite travel? I'm not buying it. The Russians were testing something that went awry.
Cameras at the ready to capture this thing from every angle, just at the moment it happend to appear? C'mon - give me a break. Look at that trail, something in there is reflecting light, something liquid perhaps. And it looks more like smoke than vapor. Meteorites don't smoke. This was the breakup of some high flying aircraft that was going to require an explanation and they decided "There's an asteroid passing by today - we'll just say it was a meteorite - they'll never know the difference."
Check out the book of revelations. It fortells an event where burning ice falls from the sky. Sounds like frozen gases entering the atmosphere. It also describes a star falling to earth that destroys a third of the trees and a third of the sea life. How could the ancient writer have speculated with such accuracy the impact of space objects on the earth with such limited science in that day? Could he have been taking dictations from God? Igf he was, then this little rock was just a trailer for the big action flic to come.
Global Warming strikes again. When are we going to learn?
So, how come a meteor strike has never been witnessed before? I'm as sceptical as the next man, and I think human causes are more likely than meteorites. It looked more like the Columbia did when it broke up on re-entry.
Was it the same one which wiped out the dinosaurs?
so it was big enough to knock a building down but no crater??? more likely some government body has used the meteor passing us today as an excuse to test fire something!