I know you must be sick of all my posts by now, but I can't help it. Hopefully you can keep up.
For those of you unable to devote the time needed to the fast paced world that is BuckleB, let's review:
Golf: I have played a little golf this year. Not as much as I want, but more than I have been. It has been a relatively successful year so far. I have only failed to break 80 in one round (that I can think of). I have also won $100 in a closest to the Pin contest in a scramble.

My left shoulder has been giving me more issues this year and has made playing golf to be a rather painful experience. The good news is that my rotater cuff does not seem to be torn (at least this is what the doctor thinks without and MRI). I do have an impingement in my cuff and some tendonitis with minor nerve irritation causing my elbow to hurt and my left pinkie to go numb. I am going through physical therapy to help strengthen my upper back and increase my range of motion to help take the stress off my shoulder. I also talked with a local golf pro who, upon looking at my set-up, informed me he thought I was standing too far from the ball, thus putting more strain on that shoulder on the takeaway. Makes sense. I have stepped a couple inches closer and have been pleased with the results. I was also told my clubface is open at address. Both of these changes have helped me keep the ball flight down and make a more balanced swing and better strike on the ball. The only issue is trying to keep the ball from going too far left because of my strong grip. This is accomplished simply by maintaining my right wrist angle a bit longer and not allowing over rotation of the lower body causing me to flip my hands over. Like anything in golf, it all sounds like a lot to think about during the course of a 3 second swing, but it is very simple when put into action.
I am playing Seneca on Friday with Jeff, Jeff's Dad and family friend Paul. It's a fun group. Saturday for Jeff's bachelor party, we have three groups playing at Chariot's Run in Indiana. Should be very hot, but fun.
Books: I am almost done reading
The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. There is a sequel I am looking forward to reading, but the name escapes me at the moment. I was getting nervous. With only 70 pages left out of a 661 page book, I felt like he had way too much to wrap up. Good to know the story of Kvothe isn't over.
I probably won't jump into the sequel right away. I want to finish the book on the Civil War and maybe the last book of the Hunger Games trilogy.
Derby City ComicCon: Julie humored me and went to the Derby City ComicCon with me at the Convention Center Saturday afternoon (I didn't make her go...she wanted to!). One of the main reasons I wanted to go was the co-creator of
The Walking Dead, Tony Moore, was supposed to be there. I wanted him to sign the first volume of the the graphic novel series, but when we came to his booth there was a sign on the table apologizing and that he was sick and could not attend. Bummer.
However, I did get to meet the creator and writer (Tim Seeley) of the graphic novel series
Hack/Slash, a very graphic series about a scantily clad female vigilante seeking justice on those she feels deserve punishment. This is the only medium in which I enjoy this type of stuff...but even Julie found herself reading it in the car on the way home. I bought an Omnibus of the series...Tim signed the cover. The funny thing is that he got his start writing children's books.
Julie didn't walk away empty handed either. She bought an original colored pencil sketch of
Archie, Jughead and
Betty done by current writer Craig Boldman. He signed it to both uf us. It will be neat to have hanging in the house one day.
After the show, we had dinner at
Smash Burger at 4th Street. It was tasty.
Misc: We have both been staying busy with the upcoming wedding plans (I am the best man and Julie is the Matron of Honour). We have had couples showers and parties filling our weekends. Plus it seems most of our family and friends have birthdays in July (including Julie).
Anyway, that is all for now. My goal is always to post more often, but time seems to keep getting away from me.