Thursday, December 31
Funny Metal Detecting "Clad"
Wednesday, December 30
Buckle B's Year End Review
Here are a few things that stand out in my mind while looking back on the events of the past year, in no particular order:
- The August 4th rain storm was impressive. Being the weather geek I am, it doesn't take much to impress me, but rainfall rates of 9" per hour in some areas around Louisville? That is something you usually only hear about in hurricanes, in the tropics or on top of some mountain in a remote rain forest. Plus working at Slugger Field gave me a different perspective.
- The hiring of John Calipari at Kentucky: I was a little nervous about the "baggage" Calipari brought with him. Currently I'm blinded by the early success. I just hope the aura presently surrounding UK basketball doesn't go the way of Tiger Woods. And speaking of Tiger Woods...
- I am more disappointed than the average person concerning the Tiger Woods issue. Not because my opinion of him as a person has changed, because it really hasn't, but because this could take him away from the game of golf for the foreseeable future. I enjoy watching Tiger Woods play golf. He is the best in my favorite sport and I hate the fact I may not see him play for awhile. I will still watch golf (and enjoy it), but I will miss watching the best golfer on the planet.
- Barack Obama becoming President of the United States. This does not stand out because he is the first black president (sorry Slick Willy), but because I can't believe a man named Barack Hussein Obama was elected President of the United States just 7 years after the 9/11 attacks. The general population (i.e. red states) were so terrified of anyone with a middle eastern sounding name. Politics aside, I find it ironic and fascinating he was able to win the election (but then again, look at his competition).
I would like to hear what everyone else remembers about 2009. It can be anything at all: personal, news, sports etc.
Thursday, December 24
A Heart Warming Message from a "Christian"-Merry Christmas!
"This is a sickening display of the atheist agenda at work. I pray that we
can get some leadership to round-up these people and give them a taste of their
own medicine. If they don't believe is [sic] God, I say we send them a one-way Express ticket to meet their Creator. As someone said, as Christians, we only need to turn the other cheek TO OTHER CHRISTIANS. Everyone else can go die for all I care. PS. MERRY CHRISTMAS."
How Not to Fix a Pool Chemical Pump
I received a call from aquatics (as usual) and was told the chlorine pump "center tube" was not working, therefore no chlorine was getting to the pool. I didn't even know where the chlorine pump was located, much less what a center tube was or how to fix it.
I called the maintenance guy that is on vacation (something he told me to do if I ever needed anything) and told him what the problem was. He directed me to the pump and gave me step by step instructions over the phone of where to find the part and how to replace it. The repair itself was easy, so I know how to fix at least one thing on a pool if it every happens again.
However, the worst part was not the repair, but the smooth move I pulled while repairing it. I unplugged the pump like I was supposed to so no chlorine was being pumped through the tubing. However, when I pulled the small "broken" tube off, it still had drops of chlorine in it. While pulling it off, a few drops of chlorine flipped out and went straight into my left eye. I flushed it out with water and then finished the repair with basically one eye. Looking in the mirror last night I had a chemical burn on my eye...a little raised nodule I could feel when I blinked.
The redness went away and the burning stopped last night. Today it feels almost as good as new, except my left eye seems to be over actively "making sleep" throughout the day in an attempt to completely heal itself.
Bottom line is, even if everything is turned off and looks dry, wear goggles, genius.
Monday, December 21
"Ugly" Sweater Party

Apparently there were drunk people judging who wouldn't recognize high fashion if they unwrapped it on Christmas morning.

I thought having Julie by my side would only make me look that much better, but apparently it backfired and everyone just assumed she was with me out of pity.

It's nice to know I wasn't voted "ugliest" at the party, but I didn't appreciate having to pose in the line up of 1st, 2nd and 3rd like it was the stinking Olympics!

Anyway, I had fun at the party and I am willing to auction off the sweater after the holidays. I'm sure it will fetch a pretty penny in Milan or Paris. I guess such beauty is lost here in the United States.
Thursday, December 17
This Ain't Your Grandma's Spin Class
Wednesday, December 16
Ho Ho Holy Hell He's an Atheist!
I've copied and pasted some of my favorite reader's comments know...the ones that give me that warm fuzzy feeling.
"It is difficult for a person without faith and accountance to have
character and be accountable for their actions.""I am curious what moral beliefs an atheist has and what guides their belief. Since the ten commandments are irrelevant in their beliefs...Are atheists able to be selective in choosing the ones that apply to them and the situation?"
"When he is in the hell he denies and desires to call and check on the city he once served, it will be a local call." -basically saying Ashville will become hell if they start electing atheists to office.
"On his/her deathbed, no one is an atheist. We want to live like the devil, but be saved from death like an angel. It's okay. God knows how you feel. He was once in human form, and knows exactly how you feel."
Tuesday, December 15
That Was a Rough 12 Hours
All I can figure is it was an intense 12 hour bug or food poisoning. Very strange.
Friday, December 11
Addendum to My Christmas List
Thanks. And please don't have Aunt Bethany wrap any of my gifts or I'll wind up getting green Jell-O or her cat.
"Is This the Airport, Clark?"

Friday, December 4
Uncle Leo Would Be Very Disappointed
Wednesday, December 2
Buckle B's Christmas List
- DVD-Any season of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"(Half-Price & B&M Exchange have them).
- Book-"Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal" by Christopher Moore (would like to have the black cover with the gilded edges).
- Any game for Nintendo Wii would be nice; NCAA football or basketball, NFL, MLB, Mario Kart (yes...I know...but it's Christmas and video games just come with the season).
- Any St. Louis Cardinals or UK apparel (you can never have enough)
- pizza cutter (for all the pizza I order that's already pre-sliced)
- cast iron skillet (for all the cooking I won't be doing)
- small bottle of CK One cologne (almost out) -you think I smell this good naturally?
Hope that helps.
"They can't all be winners kid."