Friday, February 27
Vandalism Coverage
I also was told MSNBC picked up the story, but I haven't come across it anywhere.
Wednesday, February 25
Louisville Metro Parks No Longer Allow Metal Detecting
News Story on Downtown Vandalism
Tuesday, February 24
Tiger, Wildcats and Vandals, OH My!
Saturday, February 21
Thanks Kevin, My Mistake
I'll change my proposition to: Best game by a freshman from Kentucky since Rondo?
Best Game By A Kentuckian...
Good game Darius!
3-Pointers: 3/3, 2-Pointers: 3/3, FT: 2/2, Rebounds: 3, Assists: 6, Blocks: 2, Total Points: 17
Also, big difference today in Patrick Patterson's jump shot and touch with his finger bandage off.
Brian's Baseless UK Prediction

Don't expect Meeks to go for 54 again. Not even close. However, I have never given tons of credit to the IQ of Tennessee players and still expect Meeks to get plenty of scoring opportunities. Look for him to get his average, even if it does all come from turnover fastbreaks and free throws.
Friday, February 20
"Say Cheese" You Sneaky ET's: We're Comin' For Ya!
I am looking forward to the next big NASA mission set to launch on March 5th. I've always pulled for NASA funding and cringe when cuts are made (especially for some of the things the money is redirected to). The Nasa mission is launching the Kepler spacecraft which " scheduled to blast into space from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla., aboard a Delta II rocket on March 5 at 7:48 p.m. Pacific Time (10:48 p.m. Eastern Time). It is the first mission with the ability to find planets like
Earth -- rocky planets that orbit sun-like stars in a warm zone where liquid
water could be maintained on the surface..."I am disappointed these type of launches get so little press coverage. It is sad so few people take an interest in a project that could fundamentally change the way we view ourselves and our short existence on this "mote of dust", as Carl Sagan would say, we call a planet. I guess we will only pay attention when they hit pay dirt, as long as we are not bothered with the fantastic adventure of discovery.
Go NASA GO! Go Man Go!
Thursday, February 19
Dumbing Down Our Kids - Pt.2
Atheist Discrimination - Pt. 1
Tuesday, February 17
The Joy of Meeks
Kentucky: 77
Lunch Time Chat
Thursday, February 12
Duke, Carolina, UofL and "HURL!"
After reading Kevin's blog about Rick Pitino and his comments over the past couple months concerning the SEC and Gillispie's coaching decisions, tonight's UofL/Notre Dame game could not have been sweeter. Now I am just trying figure out what game I enjoyed more: Louisville/Rutgers in football or tonight's game. Oops, Notre Dame just scored again. Yep, tonight's game.
Battle of the Brains
Monday, February 9
Movie Reviews
"Wall-E" was better than I thought it would be. I thought it had some funny moments and a good satirical view of the future of humanity. I felt the first 30 minutes was the best part, but it was enjoyable throughout. It is not one of Disney's best, however. Compared to another Pixar film, "Finding Nemo," it doesn't even come close. I would like to see Disney get away, at least for a movie or two, from the 3-D CGI animation and go with the classic style animation.
"Burn After Reading" was a let down. It definitely tried to follow in the form of the Coen brothers, but just fell a little flat. It had it's dark humor moments and a time when I looked at Beth and said "I didn't see that one coming." The movie is so twisted up in its plot that even the characters in the movie poked fun at it at times as they tried to figure out what was going on. And, like many other Coen brothers movies, it leaves almost everything unresolved.
Mount Redoubt (distant camera)
I know besides loss of life, volcanoes can cause sever damage to infrastructure, machines and cars, but I really want to see this baby go. I can't help it.
What "Other Gods"?
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me." -King James version
I would like feedback to this question: What "other gods?"
Is the god of Abraham admitting other gods exist but we shouldn't put them above "him?"
If god is the only god, then why make reference and warn us about other gods?
Just curious.