Thursday, January 29
Ice Storm at LSF
Tuesday, January 27
Ice, Ice Baby
Just kidding. I stayed home from work today. Humana was closed, so we didn't need to clear the lot and our sales staff was called off because we would have nobody to cold call. I am hoping for snow tomorrow during the daylight hours so I can at least see it. I hope everyone stays safe and remember, don't eat the yellow snow!
Sunday, January 25
Snow Storm Prediction
4-1/4 " of snow with 1/4" of sleet/freezing rain will be the official tally.
Look for areas south of Louisville to have significant icing with power outages. All Jefferson County schools will be closed Tuesday, but open Wednesday.
Oh, and if the forecasters say conditions are improving, that doesn't mean more snow is coming. I learned this conflict of interest when I was a kid. Lousy grown ups!
Friday, January 23
Could This Be The Week?
Take That Young Earth Creationists
Fish Out Of Water: New Species of Climbing Fish from Remote Venezuela Shakes the Catfish Family Tree
And for those of you uncomfortable with the idea of evolution, here is an edited version of Carl Sagan's Cosmos you may find comforting.
Oh, and Mountain Dew IS the best soda ever made!
Thursday, January 22
Thou Shalt Be Stupid, Apparently.
Naturally, I couldn't resist and clicked on the link. The article, linked from the Washington Post, is actually titled:
"No Bible?..well it doesn't matter to DONKEY BOY..he
doesn't believe in it anyway.""Hmmm....No Bible used is quite extraordinary!! Has
'Mr. Change' suddenly become a 'NON BELIEVER' or was there a "Secret koran" being used, or in the vicinity??All 'OATHS / AFFIRMATIONS' are generally sworn with the hand on a Bible, (or some Religious symbol)....Especially the "Presidential Oath"!! What message is being sent here?? I'm very surprised that the Chief Justice allowed this to occur!!"In the end, this is what President Obama wanted
anyway....going to be a long 4 years""Very sad that the idiot couldn't get it right the
first time (Did they use a fireproof bible then?)Doesn't {sic)make me wonder how he'll do on anything else.If they had used a bible it would have probably burst into flame.""I truly believe this was intentionly[sic] done by Obama to
mess up so that he could do it without the Bible, simply because he IS a muslim. But that is something we will never know that is if he did it intentionly [sic])but I do know one day that we WILL find out that he is a muslim!""While there is definitely no "official" religious
test for office, God help us if we ever elect someone who doesn't believe in the Bible.""NO BIBLE tells it all..."
"President needs to take oath again, The Bible is
equally, if not more important than words of oath. We are a christian nation, all though radicals and liberals are trying to change that."Enough said.
Wednesday, January 21
Buckle B's Thoughts on President Obama
September 11th, like most people, had me watching the news countless hours a day in the following weeks. This experience has caused me to continue my interest in world affairs and has increased my global awareness. Now I can't understand how people wouldn't be interested in world news and politics. Not knowing what is going on would drive me crazy. This brings me to my thoughts on President Obama.
I approach Obama's presidency with skeptical optimism (or optimistic skepticism). He is indeed an articulate, energetic and popular figure who will demand respect from both foreign and domestic entities, at least for the time being. He has a beautiful wife and daughters and portrays an idealism to many. However, it will be interesting to see how long this "new car smell" lasts with an easily distracted and impatient public. Those who see Obama as a god who can solve all the problems of the world will be quickly disappointed. Those who view him (and I'm not kidding when I say this) as evil, the 2nd beast who is to usher in the apocalypse will be greatly disappointed, too. Many fundamentalists are hoping the end times are near and they believe Obama is the catalyst (however, I would think they would be happy he is president because of this).
I feel Obama has the potential to be the best president we have had in my lifetime. However, many past president's potential never panned out like people thought it would. I am excited to see the country enthusiastic about a new presidency and optimism can go along way to healing a limping country. Let's just wait before we start adding his face on Mt. Rushmore.
A Few Chompers Short
One last note, laughing gas is soooooooo cool!
Tuesday, January 20
My Coldest Night Ever-Response to My Mother (I've Heard of a Popsicle, but not a Momsicle).
As I lay in my not so expensive one man tent tent (that I sold before leaving Estes Park to conserve space on the trek home to Louisville), the sound of the tent walls violently rippling in the gale was deafening. I am convinced being inside the tent and fully zipped in my sleeping bag would have been easily bearable had it not been for the hour and a half struggle to make camp. As I lay in my bag listening to Mother Nature go all Big Bad Wolf on my little abode, I concentrated on getting the feeling back into my fingers, face and toes. I think I fell asleep (passed out?) around two or three in the morning for a brief amount of time. About an hour before sun rise, we collectively decided it was breakfast time. We scrambled out of our partially snow submerged tents and headed down to the cozy, familiar Pondo for breakfast where I had the usual: a waffle, Cocoa Krispies, a cup of yogurt and a mix of cranberry and apple juice.
I guess I can't compare Mom's story to mine because she didn't have much of a choice. We were just under equipped (physically and mentally), and consented to the ill-advised testosterone check. But, it was one of the experiences in life I will never forget and I am glad.
Sunday, January 18
Movie Reviews
Beth and I saw "Gran Torino" starring Clint Eastwood at the theater last night. This is the first time I've seen a Clint Eastwood movie in the theater and was hesitant when it first came out. Most Clint flicks the past decade have been less than stellar, but I became more curious about this movie as I heard more feedback. Eastwood was very good, and funny, as a an old, crusty, racist Korean war veteran trying to deal with his culturally changing neighborhood and his increasingly distant family . I wouldn't recommend bringing kids to the theater to see it like several people did (that is an entire post by itself), but it was surprisingly good with several scenes, I think, that may become classic years from now (the barber shop scenes especially). Another interesting dichotomy of seeing the movie in a theater was listening to the reactions from the various races of people to the different racial jokes. I give it an 8.
So far so good for 2009, but I'm sure I'll see my share of stinkers.
Saturday, January 17
AAA Driving Teacher
Thursday, January 8
" I Am Not A Rabid Anti-Dentite!"
Tuesday, January 6